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Problems from Galileos Viewer files


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Hello !!!! , Good morning from Argentina.

I'm starting to get learning 3D printed pieces from imaging scanners.

Specifically for dental medicine.

My desired workflow is:

1-Get images which have DCIM / DCM.

2-Slice Process 3D images.

3-STL Process Blender (8 years user of this wonderful soft).

4-Print in 3D.

But I ran into trouble in the first point:

The dentist gave me a CD-ROM from a scanner.

This CD-ROM, to put it in the computer, install the viewer induces imaging scans "GALILEOS VIEWER".

In the software GALILEOS information can be seen fantastically.

The problem is I can not get out the information on the CD-ROM that is visible on Slice 3D.

Noting the files on the CD-ROM in Windows Explorer, clearly in one of the folders there 608 files, to which I was impossible to know to what extent they had.

Anyway, trying in different ways "grab and drag" files directly to the user interface Slice 3D, the software performs an analysis but ends up throwing the message "or customers" and, therefore, can not do anything Slice more 3D.

My first conclusion is:

The files on the CD-ROM, VIEWER visible in Galileo, are not dcm or dcim.

Please, anyone has a similar experience and can help me solve this problem ?.

Of course, I greatly appreciate the time dispensed in reading this post (translated by Google) and the help you can give me.

Regards !!!

Thank You !!!


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The largest folder should have your DICOM files. You should be able to see the .dicom or .dcm extension. I would also transfer that folder to your hard drive. 608 files is a lot of data. 3d Slicer may be having problems if you are trying to transfer it directly from your CD.

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Thank you, thank you !!! SJSATO

I tried to copy the folder larger hard drive to my computer files, and unfortunately, get the same result ...

For your information, I detail what I see when I make attempts:

1-I set Windows Explorer to see the file extensions. I downloaded from the web files with dcm extension, and I can see the extent such records. But when I want to see, from the browser, the extension of the files visible in Galileo, not shown me, just show me the name ... ???? .

2-When attempting to import into the Slice 3D software makes the process of reading files, but I finally shows a sign that says "new patients 0", "0 new studies", "0 new series", "0 new instances ".

It seems very strange that I can not display the file extension will be "DCM"? ....

Thank you for your help again.




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I definitely think that the files that are on the CD-ROM, which are read by the viewer software Galilee, are NOT dcm files.

I tried to download a viewer of DICOM files, the software is called RadiAnt Dicom.

With this program, I can see dcm files (which I downloaded from the Web), but I can not see the files on the CD-ROM (even though these files are copied to a directory on the hard drive of the computer).

I'll see you talking to the dentist to try to get me real dcm files.

Thanks and regards !!!



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  • 3 weeks later...
Hello good afternoon!!!,

Well, you see, been a while and come back on the subject.

Actually, I tried to move forward during this time, but I find a limitation, I would like to share to see if they help me or guide to find a solution:

In the small town where I live, there is only one 3D scanner, Siemens, which only generates Dcim dcim or if a license file, which is around 12,000 euros purchase.

For me, or the professional who wishes to use, it's a huge amount of money.

There is another soft that type of Slice 3D files to handle alternative other than Dcim or dcim ?.

From already thank you very much!!!.




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Dr. Mike !!!! good day.

This tutorial is fantastic !!!.

I do not know if you to understand is that my problem comes down to that, a 3D scanner manufacturer Siemens does not generate file extension * .DCIM.

Therefore, I can not even import the information into 3D Slice.

The information can only "see" in Galilee viewer.

Then I need, some free / open source program, which amount different file formats.

Of course, many thanks !!!




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  • 2 months later...

hi cjd2!


i had the same problem when i tried to import a ct series from a cd. You can try to import the cdrom's image series in mango or osirix first. after that you can save in your favorite format and import the files in 3d slice

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  • 2 weeks later...

Hi Carlos,

I had the same problem with 3dSlicer.  I'm sorry I didn't see this sooner. I've been super busy with work and with family health issues, so haven't been following up on forums as much as I would like.


One way to fix it is to import all your files into a different folder and bulk change the suffix of the files into .dicom.  I did that and the files became visible.

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  • 1 year later...

This post is pretty old but I have found times where dicom files don't have the *.dcm extension.  I windows this can be fixed as said above by just adding the extension (ren * *.dcm).  I have used ImageJ for years to read in dicom data for initial viewing.  It doesn't require the *.dcm extension and I have found if ImageJ can't read the files there is probably something seriously wrong with them.

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